At the age of 15, Fritz got into parkour and freerunning. After several months of training, he achieved nothing more than a simple cartwheel. But that didn’t discourage him. One year later he was doing back and frontflips and other crazy jumps with ease. That’s when he bought his first Mini DV camcorder and got into the world of filmmaking and photography, trying to capture his friends parkour moves as good as possible. He quickly figured out how to make the shots look much more spectacular with the help of a wide angle adapter and low angle camera positions. Today, Fritz works as a DoP, editor and colorist. In 2018 he founded Intoku Pictures, a film production company. However, photography is still his big passion. Fritz always carries a camera with him. He loves meeting new people, the aesthetics of analogue film and candid portraits and the feeling of immersion with his surroundings while doing street photography. From time to time he also shoots a wedding.